Owsley County, Kentucky
Founding: 1843
Parent counties: Breathitt, Clay, and Estill
Namesake: William Owsley (1782–1862), sixteenth Kentucky governor
Seat: Booneville (1843–)
Seat: Booneville (1843–)
Land area: 197 square miles
Population (2010): 4,755
Population (historic): 3,774 (1850); 3,889 (1870); 6,874 (1900); 7,223 (1930)
Periods of population growth: pre-1850–1860; 1870–1910; 1930s; 1970s
Subdivisions: One city
National Register listings: One
Income (per capita): $16,533
Income (median household): $22,106
Business establishments: 47 (101.2 people per business)
Pre-1939 residences (estimated): 257 (12%)
Vacant houses: 403 (18.8%)
Sources of settlement: Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina
Business establishments: 47 (101.2 people per business)
Pre-1939 residences (estimated): 257 (12%)
Vacant houses: 403 (18.8%)
Sources of settlement: Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina
Founding: 1844 (platting, as Owsley Court House); 1844 (post office); 1847 (incorporation)
Population (2010): 81
Population (historic): 121 (1860); 251 (1900); 250 (1930)
Periods of population growth: pre-1860; 1870s; 1930s; 1970–1990
Typology: Grid
Typology: Grid
First Courthouse
Location: Booneville
Construction: 1844
Years of service: 1844–1888 (?)
Typology: Unknown; log
Style: None
Builder: Unknown
Cost: Unknown
Status: Razed
Features of note: Appearance unknown.
Second Courthouse
Photo from the Owsley County USGenNet site. |
Location: Main Street (Booneville)
Construction: 1888
Years of service: 1888–1929
Typology: T-shaped; brick; two-story
Style: Italianate
Builder: Unknown
Cost: Unknown
Status: Razed (burned in 1929)
Features of note: Louvered tower; divided bays; corbelling; diamond-shaped attic windows; segmental-arched windows.
Third Courthouse
Photo from the Owsley County USGenNet site. |
Location: Main Street (Booneville)
Construction: 1929–1930
Years of service: 1930–1967
Typology: Center-hall; brick; two-story
Style: Classical Revival
Builder: Unknown
Cost: Unknown
Status: Razed (burned in 1967)
Features of note: Louvered clock tower; three-bay facade; parapeted roof; divided bays; pedimented portico; ill-proportioned Doric columns.
Fourth Courthouse
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Photo by W. Marsh. |
Location: 20 Main Street (Booneville)
Construction: 1967–1971 / 1981
Years of service: 1971–
Typology: Irregular (modern); brick; two-story
Style: None
Architect: Donald Sheldon / Clotgetter and Associates
Cost: Unknown
Status: Extant; functional
Features of note: None. Blah.
Sources: Wikipedia; Courthouse History; United States Census Bureau.
Sources: Wikipedia; Courthouse History; United States Census Bureau.
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